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Cadernos Técnicos 10 - Projetos Emergentes em contexto de COVID-19

Cadernos Técnicos 10 - Projetos Emergentes em contexto de COVID-19

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Volume X of the Technical Notebooks of Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Lisbon presents the Emerging Projects in Context of COVID-19, presenting the Lisbon Preventive Intervention Teams and the Back-up Units. Together, these two unique projects ensured a rigorous testing plan in the capital and guaranteed the respective health care to a significant portion of the population who had contracted the virus and presented clinical and social profiles of greater fragility. A visit behind the scenes of the mission undertaken during the pandemic - a mission in which the Misericórdia of Lisbon and its technicians were involved, as well as those of various partner institutions - allows one to appreciate the scale of the effort made by a vast group of professionals from different areas, who, in the field, offered their dedication and put their knowledge into practice, always within a solid teamwork logic.

Coordination: DIRECTOR Edmundo Martinho; ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Maria Margarida Montenegro; DEPUTY DIRECTOR Samuel Esteves; EDITORIAL COORDINATION Dora Santos Rosa; TECHNICAL COORDINATION Maria da Luz Cabral

Authors: Ana Paula Gomes (Nurse, Preventive Intervention Team from Lisbon) • Catarina Simão (Social Service Technician, Preventive Intervention Team from Lisbon) • Helena Soares (Nurse, Coordinator of the Rear Unit of the HOSA) • Margarida Branquinho (Superior Jurist Technician) • Maria da Luz Cabral (Coordinator of the EIPL Projects and Rear Units) • Teresa Pimenta (Nurse, Preventive Intervention Team of Lisbon) • Tiago Nascimento (Nurse, Coordinator of the Rear Unit of Santo Eugenio)

Review: Patrícia Oliveira Teixeira, Ancestra
Illustrator: Cristina Cascais

Year of publication: April, 2022
Editor: Editorial Center of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
ISBN: 2184-612X

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