Technical Notebooks 12 - People in Homeless Situations
Technical Notebooks 12 - People in Homeless Situations
The XII volume of the SCML Technical Notebooks collection is dedicated to the theme of people in a state of homelessness.
Complex issue considering its multicausal nature, this publication offers a set of articles and case studies that reveal this multifactorial reality, while also aiming to open new perspectives in view of new and effective solutions.
"The voices of the technicians are joined by the testimonies of those who, in the first person, lived – and overcame – the condition of being homeless."
Coordination: DIRECTOR Edmundo Martinho; DEPUTY DIRECTOR Maria Margarida Montenegro; ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Samuel Esteves; EDITORIAL COORDINATION Dora Santos Rosa; TECHNICAL COORDINATION Henrique Joaquim (Executive Manager ENIPSSA | Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security) Marisa Melo (Coordinator of Social Assistance of the Emergency Unit of SCML)
Authors: Américo Nave (Executive Director of CRESCER – Community Intervention Association) • Filipa Nascimento (Homeless Person Support Unit) • Inês Rodrigues (Homeless Person Support Unit) • Marcela Monteiro da Silva (Social Worker of the Emergency Unit of SCML) • Sérgio Cintra (Executive Administrator of Social Action and Entrepreneurship and Social Economy of SCML) • Sónia Nobre (Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon)
Review: José L. Baptista
Pagination: Cristina Cascais
Year of publication: December, 2022
Editor: Editorial Center of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Lisbon
ISBN: 2184-612X