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Maria Lamas House: operating reference

Maria Lamas House: operating reference

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In Portugal, it was only in 2007 that the crime of domestic violence was defined and automated, in article 152 of the Penal Code. In the previous year, however, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa had already created Casa Maria Lamas, the first family-style apartment to accommodate women victims of domestic violence residing in Lisbon, who could be accompanied by children and young people. In 2008, another apartment in the House was created, in another area of ​​Lisbon. In 2013, this equipment extends the scope of action outside the capital, becoming a response to victims of domestic violence from anywhere in the country. In a brief reference, it is possible to know the origins and objectives of this institutional response to the problem of domestic violence in Portugal, which here opens the doors to the reader and sets out the methodology of action in the field and systematizes the steps taken with each new reception of Casa Maria. sludge. This book is part of the Sebentas Collection of Social Action, an editorial line dedicated to sharing knowledge acquired and consolidated through practice, in the awareness, however, that this knowledge is always under permanent construction and improvement.

Authors: Rita Valadas (right); Celeste Brissos (coord.); Rui Santos; Paula Dias and team

Year of publication: 2016
Editor: SCML
ISBN: 9789898712387

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