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Catálogo das obras impressas no século XVII : a colecção da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

Catálogo das obras impressas no século XVII : a colecção da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

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Exhaustive bibliographic collection and detailed cataloging of the 17th century documentary and bibliographic collection of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa. Identification and cataloging of the bibliographic heritage of the secular institution of the capital, comprising a total of 946 printed works, 304 of which were printed in Portuguese territory and the rest from foreign typography. The nearly 1,000 copies cataloged in this publication come from three main areas: the funds of the Misericórdia de Lisboa, the Convent of S. Pedro de Alcântara and the bookstore at the Marquês de Alegrete Palace, in Charneca do Lumiar. Júlio Caio Velloso presents the reader with the cimelians that make up the Misericórdia de Lisboa collection, composed of titles from different areas of knowledge - Descriptive Sciences, Biblical Exegesis, Diplomacy, Canon Law, Civil Law, Philosophy, Ecclesiastical History, Profane History; Legislation, Poetry, Theology, among others – a collection that brings together, in the author's words, “one of the most expressive 17th-century sets of documents in Portugal”.

Also see the Catalog of works printed in the 15th and 16th centuries: the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa collection 

Author: Júlio Caio Velloso

Year of publication: 1994
Editor: SCML
ISBN: 9729559740

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