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Energy for everyone!

Energy for everyone!

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Instituto da Sagrada Familia
Once upon a time there was a “Blue Planet”, men gave it this name because there was a lot of water.
The water came down from the clouds and went to the rivers, seas and oceans. At the poles, water was in the form of ice, snow and glaciers.
The water played with people, animals and plants.
In summer the sun warmed the water and it rose to the sky. The drops of water formed the fluffy white clouds, in which we could imagine different shapes of animals, cars, dolls…

Coordination: SCML Library

Authors: Authors and illustrators/Equipment of the Social Action Directorate (in alphabetical order of the stories): Instituto da Sagrada Família, CAI Manuel da Maia, CAI Vítor Manuel, CAI Dr. José Domingos Barreiro, CAI Vale Fundão II, CAI Bairro Padre Cruz, CPS da PRODAC, Centro Infantil da Parede, CSC Bairro da Flamenga, CAI Bairro da Cruz Vermelha, Fundação Júlia Moreira, CAI Bairro da Boavista, Abrigo Infantil, CPS Rainha D. Leonor and Our Lady Mission Nursery.
Illustrator: SCML Editorial Center

Year of publication: 2012
Editor: SCML
ISBN: 9799728761943

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