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Fábrica da Rajá em Monsanto - Volume 6

Fábrica da Rajá em Monsanto - Volume 6

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This collection published by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia about its heritage of historical interest, in this case, industrial heritage, continues with the sixth volume dedicated to the Rajá Factory in Monsanto.

Today we write a part of the history of this brand – just a fraction of all it represented and marked, because memory fades over time, as does materiality. And we do this from the place, the industrial space, the origin point of the products that marked the days and experiences of Portuguese society in the 20th century. From the physical space, we inevitably move to the reading of memory, immaterial, but anchored in the objects and documents that persist in archives and collections, especially personal ones, in this case.

The appreciation of this industrial past, a fundamental element for valuing work, innovation, and entrepreneurship, is still superficial in current times, even with the growth of studies in archaeology and industrial heritage in Portugal since the 1970s.

The objective that governs this collection aims to enhance the heritage dimension through a permanent dialogue between the author of the historical study and the architect responsible for the rehabilitation project, in a crossing of perspectives and complementary experiences that enrich both the reading of the past and the possibilities of more suitable solutions for future functioning.

General Coordination: Maria Eduarda Napoleão
Editorial Coordination: Editorial Center of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

Authors:  João Miguel Simões, Leonor Medeiros, Fernando Alves Louro, Helena do Canto Lucas

Photography and Image: Municipal Archive of Lisbon National Archive of the Torre do Tombo Archive of Radio and Television of Portugal Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology National Library of Portugal Blog “Days that Fly” BLX - Municipal Hemeroteca of Lisbon Cabral Moncada Auctions / Vasco Cunha Monteiro Municipality of Lisbon Fernando Louro Alves Office of Olisiponense Studies Leonor Medeiros Martin Mihál Museums and Monuments of Portugal, E. P. E. / Luísa Oliveira Nuno Almendra Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa / Communication Directorate / Production and Image Unit / Multimedia Core Wikimedia 

Design: Silvadesigners Typesetting: Cristina Cascais Revision: João Miguel Simões

Year of publication: September 2024
Editor: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
ISBN: 9789899151598

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