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Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos: Lisboa e a saúde

Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos: Lisboa e a saúde

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The book Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos: Lisbon and health reveals surprising historical and documentary data concerning one of the most emblematic buildings in Lisbon, the first hospital created by royal initiative in Portugal, which would be badly damaged by the earthquake of 1755 and completely deactivated twenty years later.

This work is the result of a partnership between the Lisbon City Council and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and also with the CHAM / Humanities Center of the Faculty of Social Sciences
and Humanities from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidade dos Açores, to which different partners, public and private, have joined.

With a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from Archeology and History, from Architecture and Urbanism to administration and management, without forgetting the pharmacopoeia and public health policies, this book is, unquestionably, concrete proof of the scientific quality of its authors.

Lisbon City Council
Culture Department
Municipal Directorate of Culture
Department of Cultural Heritage

Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Lisbon
Culture Department
History File

Institutional coordination: Jorge Ramos de Carvalho
Scientific coordination: Edite Martins Alberto, Rodrigo Banha da Silva and André Teixeira

Editorial coordination: Edite Martins Alberto
Editorial support: Ana Isabel Ribeiro
Authors: Several

Photo credits and scanning:
Graphic design:
Luminous Ant, Image Builder

Year of publication: April, 2022
Editor: Editorial Center of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
ISBN: 9789728543570


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