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Prémios Nunes Correa Verdades de Faria 1986-2022

Prémios Nunes Correa Verdades de Faria 1986-2022

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This Prize, which intends to honor "the individuals who, in Portugal, have contributed the most through their effort, work or studies, to the care and affection of unprotected elderly people, the progress of medicine in its application to the elderly and progress in the treatment of diseases from the heart", allows SCML to pay a special tribute to health professionals and to all entities and institutions dedicated to social support, namely to all people who, as a result of the epidemiological situation, found themselves in a situation of special vulnerability.
With the Nunes Correa Verdades de Faria Awards, Enrique Mantero Belard intended to support research, scientific development and work in favor of the community and this purpose reflects in a unique way what humanity has witnessed in the last year.
This edition intends to honor the winners of the Nunes Correa Verdades de Faria Awards and perpetuate the memory of their benefactor and his wife D. Gertrudes Eduarda Verdades de Faria.
The Provider
Edmundo Martinho

Coordination: Maria José Cabral de Almeida – General Secretary Executive Coordination: Editorial Center and Technical Service and Public Relations Unit

Photography: Vitor Silva and Carlos Sousa

Prof. Doctor Fernando Padua
Casa Verdades de Faria – Museum of Portuguese Music
Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Lisbon

Year of publication: 2022
Edition: 23rd
ISBN: 978-989-9021-43-3

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