Exhibition "Five Relics, Five Photographers"
Exhibition "Five Relics, Five Photographers"
The exhibition five relics, five photographers integrates a contemporary artistic perspective on the relic through photography, allowing one to perceive the relic as an image, through the photographic approach that enables access to details that are not visible to the naked eye. Within the investigative logic of the reliquiarum project, these will be the dimensions of inquiry posed to the photographers Pedro Ferreira, Lucília Monteiro, Beatriz Vilhena, Sebastiano Raimondo, and Paulo Serafim, under the coordination of Paulo Catrica. The relics will be at the center of the camera, revealing, through those who point, illuminate, shoot, and edit, the interest in the theme.
Local: Temporary exhibition gallery of the Museum of São Roque
Dates: from January 24 to April 13
Hours: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 AM to 12 PM and from 1:30 PM to 6 PM
Guided tours: "In conversation, we will look at relics and images of relics." Every Tuesday (except holidays) at 3 PM.
Conditional access during worship ceremonies at the Church of São Roque.
Free participation upon prior booking.
Public Services and Cultural Development
Directorate of Culture
213 240 869/87/89